Engineering Solutions
Scientists study the world as it is; engineers create the world that has never been.
Theodore von KarmanEngineering Solutions
Engineering principles and systems
Technologies specialisations
Graphics Technologies
Attend the tutorial to further explore the concepts presented this week and practice teaching them.
Provide Feedback on Lesson Plans
In tutorial small groups you will provide feedback on the lesson plans shared this week.
Submit a brief summary of the feedback you received and provided during the tutorial by the next tutorial. You can use dot points. It counts 0.5% towards your Log of Learning Activities.
Design and Technologies Activity
Bridge Engineering
Complete a bridge construction, spanning 1m unsupported and being able to support the greatest possible weight using:
100 paddle pop sticks
hot glue guns
buckets and wire to test bridge strength with weights
Design & Technologies Activities
Design and Technologies Activity
One Cars
Complete the various activity stations learning about how technologies use forces to create movement in products;
Design & Technologies Activities
Preparation for Week 10
Create two lessons plans, one for Design & Technologies and one for Digital Technologies. You will share these in tutorial next week and conduct simulated teaching of your lessons. Together, these count 1% to your Log of Learning Activities if submitted before the start of next weeks tutorial.
Week 10 Digital Technologies Lesson Plan
In tutorial small groups you will share the Digital Technologies lesson plan you have developed for next week.
Submit your Digital Technologies lesson plan developed for the Week 10 tutorial by the start of next weeks tutorial. It counts 0.5% towards your Log of Learning Activities.
Week 10 Design and Technologies Lesson Plan
In tutorial small groups you will share the Design and Technologies lesson plan you have developed for next week.
Submit your Design and Technologies lesson plan developed for the Week 10 tutorial by the start of next weeks tutorial. It counts 0.5% towards your Log of Learning Activities.