CreativITy 2021
In partnership of the Gold Coast chapter of the Queensland Society for Information Technology in Education (QSITE), Gold Coast EduTech, the Sustainable Schools Network, and Griffith University, CreativITy 2021 conducted a one day conference for leaders in school computer education.
The conference was be held on the Griffith University Gold Coast Campus on Saturday 19 June from 8:30am to 3:00pm
CreativITy 2021 had two strands addressing the primary and junior secondary Digital Technologies curriculum and the senior secondary Digital Solutions curriculum.
CreativITy conferences are focused on developing the capabilities of educators through the development of practical activities and a deeper understanding of approaches to computer education in schools.
The CreativITy 2021 theme was sustainability: sustainability of curriculum, sustainability of computer education, and sustainability concepts and practices taught in computer education.
Registration for CreativITy 2021 was $40 including lunch with a 25% discount (to $30) for members of QSITE, GCEduTech, SSN and Griffith University students & staff.
Sharable Links:
CreativITy Conferencing Opening (30min)
Digital Technologies Workshops
Digital Solutions Workshops
Robotics and AI Workshops (3hr)
Explore a range of robotics systems and AI classroom activities to address the curriculum
Digital Solutions External Assessment Unpacking Workshop A (1hr)
Explore the 2020 External Assessment task
Microcontroller Workshops (3hr)
Explore a range of microcontroller systems and classroom activities to address the curriculum
Digital Solutions External Assessment Unpacking Workshop B (1hr)
Explore the 2020 External Assessment task
Programming Workshops (3hr)
Explore a range of programming languages and classroom activities to address the curriculum
API Workshop focusing on IA3 (1hr)
Explore approaches to addressing Unit 4 IA3 assessment through API development
Lunch (1hr)
Kitsunei Kitsi Blocks
Presentation (20min)
Micromelon Robotics
Presentation (20min)
Digital Technologies Changes Workshop (2hr)
Explore the proposed changes to the Digital Technologies curriculum and implications
Capture the Flag Competition Workshop (2hr)
Learn about and participate in a competitive programming Capture the Flag competition that will be available for students to compete in later in the year.
Conference Close and Prize Giveaways

With tremendous support from conference sponsors
Kitsi blocks are a STEM and Maker platform comprised of small electronic modules that can be combined in multiple ways to achieve an outcome; from showing a simple smiley face on a screen to controlling your garage door over the internet, the Blocks bring the complexity of hardware and software to a level anyone can understand.
Micromelon Robotics
Micromelon Robotics see digital technologies in schools as more than just an opportunity to learn about code, but also to foster the development of a wide range of skills including maths, science, logic, problem solving, and interpersonal skills.
Conducted in partnership by
Conference Photos