Policy Scoping
Unit 3 Aims
apply an Action Research approach to develop policies that support the implementation of Educational Technologies in an educational organisation; and
demonstrate understanding of a range of research-informed Educational Transformation approaches.
Week 7 Learning Outcomes
Understand the power of policy in effecting change; and
Demonstrate the development of vision and goal statements.
Week 7 Recording
Week 7 Slides
Week 7 Learning Activities
Come to the tutorial prepared to discuss they type of organisation you wish to transform and the vision and goals you have for it.
Come to the tutorial prepared to present one idea for your organisation from each of the following categories:
Teachers and Professional Learning;
Assessment and Accountability;
Leadership and Culture; and
with each idea progressing through three stages of planning, building and transformation.
Read Transforming Education: The Power of ICT Policies
Reads Chapters 1 and 2, then pick one country case study.
Come to the tutorial prepared to describe how policy has impacted upon ICT use in one country case study.
Share to Teams two ICT ideas that you have experienced and could be applied in developing countries.
Reasons for setting goals:
1. Goal setting provides a sound basis for planning, implementation, and evaluation.
2. Goal setting clarifies problems.
3. Planning based on goals elicits community support.
4. Goal setting leads to positive action.
5. Goal setting leads to creative problem solving.
6. Goals are based on the potential of a community.
7. Plans based on goals can be evaluated and consciously changed.
8. Goal setting promotes human resource development.
9. Goal setting identifies the community-wide needs and values of Minorities and special populations.
10. Goal setting has long-term educational value for the participants.
11. Goal setting is a good investment.
12. Participatory goal setting demonstrates good faith on the part of Community leadership
Setting Goals
PRESERVE (what we have now that is positive)
ADD (what we do not have that is positive)
REMOVE (what we have that is negative)
KEEP out (what we do not have that is negative)
Charrette Process
An identifiable problem
User participation
Involvement of professionals from within and from outside the
The adoption of short and long term goals
A commitment to put the recommendations of the charrette into Action
Share to Teams a draft vision statement you have for your organisation and comment on the statements made by your peers.
Come to the tutorial prepared to participate in developing a vision statement for your organisation in a collaborative process.