Active Learning

Technologies Education

Active Learning

Active learning is a form of learning in which teaching strives to involve students in the learning process more directly than in other methods.

Active Learning

Participant Microphone

Ask and answer questions from students. No more than 5 min. Redirect to website, Facebook, email, or consultation if more time required.
Participant Microphone

Google Slides Audience Response

Ask and answer questions from students. No more than 5 min. Redirect to website, Facebook, email, or consultation if more time required.
Audience Response

Poll Everywhere Activity

Participant Poll. No more than 5 min.
Poll Everywhere

Confidence Poll Activity

Vote on confidence levels. No more than 5 min. Poll Everywhere.
Confidence Poll

Word Cloud Activity

Ask and produce Word Cloud from responses. No more than 5 min. Poll Everywhere.
Audience Word Cloud

Kahoot! activity

Nao: Direct students to Kahoot! website or app. Z: Display Kahoot! website. Start quiz, Stop Quiz. Position microphone and live stream. Max 5 min.
Kahoot! Activity

Peer Discussion activity

Nao: Explain discussion topic. Z: Move through audience and encourage discussion. Max 5 min.
Peer Discussion Activity

Video response activity

Nao: Explain video, direct students to respond via Think Pair Share or Kahoot!. Z: Start and stop video. Start and stop Kahoot! if required. Max 5 min.
Video Response Activity

Demonstration activity

Nao: Explain demonstration and call for volunteers, Z: identify and assist volunteers with the demonstration. Position microphone and live stream. Max 5 min.
Demonstration Activity

One Minute Writing activity

Students write a one minute response to a stimulus. Max 5 min.
One Minute Writing Activity

Game activity

Nao: Explain explains the game Z: Move through audience and encourage play. Max 5 min.
Game Activity

Debate activity

Nao: Explain debate and call for volunteers, Z: identify and assist volunteers with the debate. Position microphone and live stream. 2min setup and prepare, 3min per side, 2min Kahoot! vote to determine winner. Max 10 min. Requires two Active learning slots and should address both concepts.
Debate Activity