On assessment: measure what you value instead of valuing only what you can measure.
Andy Hargreaves
Week 5 Assessment
In our final week before your placement, we are exploring assessment approaches to support and measure learning of Digital Technologies, including notions of formative, summative and diagnostic assessment.
In tutorial this week we will discuss the various assessment policies and documents provided by the QCAA and ACARA. Looks at those provided below, and come along with your questions.
The following information outlines the K–12 assessment position of the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) and provides a foundation for building and clarifying knowledge and understanding of assessment literacy. It is intended to support and guide the processes integral to quality teaching, learning, assessment and reporting.
Understanding K–12 assessment (PDF, 307.3 KB)
improves teaching by providing information on what students know and can do
helps students progress in their learning by giving them feedback to inform their next steps in learning
provides meaningful information on students’ strengths, learning needs and achievements.
Principles and attributes of assessment
The following principles form the foundation of beliefs about assessment practices.
Principles of quality assessment (QCAA 2017a) should be:
aligned with curriculum and pedagogy
equitable for all students
evidence-based, using established standards/continua to make defensible and comparable judgments about students’ learning
ongoing, with a range and balance of evidence compiled over time to reflect the depth and breadth of students’ learning
transparent, to enhance professional and public confidence in the processes used, the information obtained and the decisions made
informative of where students are in their learning.
Quality assessment (QCAA 2017b) is characterised by three attributes:
validity, through alignment with what is taught, learnt and assessed
accessibility, each student is given opportunities to demonstrate what they know and can do
reliability, assessment results are consistent, dependable or repeatable.
Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering, analysing and reflecting on evidence to make informed judgments about the achievement or capabilities of individuals and cohorts.
Assessment plays an integral role in improving learning and informing teaching. Its fundamental purpose is to establish where learners are in an aspect of their learning at the time of assessment (Masters 2014).
The literature uses different terms about assessment, including assessment for, as and of learning, diagnostic, formative and summative.
Assessment for, as and of learning
Assessment for learning, assessment as learning and assessment of learning (Earl 2013) are purposes for which evidence is gathered about student progression to improve teaching and learning. Assessment for these purposes can involve both teachers and students, providing opportunities for them to give and receive feedback and inform future planning. The principles and attributes described above should be considered when planning any assessment.
Assessment for learning
Assessment for learning occurs throughout the learning process and could be diagnostic[1] and/or formative[2].
Assessment as learning
Assessment as learning places the student central to the processes of assessing and learning. Students monitor their own learning and use formal and informal feedback and self-assessment to determine the next steps required to meet learning outcomes/objectives. Assessment as learning encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning.
Assessment of learning
Assessment of learning is often referred to as summative[3] assessment and can include formal assessment tasks, internal or school-devised assessment and external assessment.
Uses of assessment
Assessment information has multiple uses, including:
provision of feedback to teachers, such as
evidence of students’ strengths, ways of learning, areas of development, the depth of their knowledge, and their conceptual understandings, which informs the teacher, so they know what students can do, and what subsequent teaching is required to progress student learning
identification of students’ learning needs across a range and balance of assessments that enhances teachers’ ability to establish where students are in their learning and to help them attain higher levels of performance
provision of feedback to students and parents/carers that gives
clear, specific, meaningful and timely feedback, allowing reflection on the learning process and collaboration to support future learning and development
evidence of student learning and advice for further progress, underpinning the provision of meaningful reports/statements to parents/carers and others
development of lifelong learners by enabling students to identify and reflect on the progress they are making, which is crucial to building self-evaluation, self-efficacy and self-responsibility for in-depth and long-term learning
refinement of quality teaching, by supporting teacher reflection and professional learning
provision of information for certification
measurement and evaluation of policies, programs, interventions and teaching strategies to provide better understanding of student achievement and growth.
Assessment literacy
What is assessment literacy?
Assessment literacy is defined as the skills and knowledge teachers require to design, evaluate and quality assure assessment performances to support student learning (DeLuca 2016).
Teachers who are assessment literate:
produce quality assessment
demonstrate the required knowledge and skills to validly and reliably assess students’ learning
apply standards/descriptions consistently to, and make judgments about, students’ learning/work
interpret and apply the feedback and data from assessment to improve teaching and learning.
As students move through the phases of schooling, they become increasingly assessment literate, with the ability to:
understand the purpose of what they are doing
understand the basis on which judgments will be made
demonstrate this understanding through their engagement with assessment
reflect on feedback and apply it in the future.
School assessment policies
School assessment policies provide guidelines for teachers and expectations for all staff and students for assessment. These policies support schools in promoting equitable and credible outcomes, including academic integrity.
Academic integrity
Academic integrity requires academic responsibilities to be approached in an honest, moral and ethical way. Schools, parents/carers and others who support students in their learning are responsible for promoting and maintaining academic integrity.
When students genuinely demonstrate their learning, they achieve results based on their own work and effort. Students will become increasingly more aware of their responsibility in demonstrating academic integrity as they progress through the phases of schooling.
Quality assurance
Assessment-literate teachers use quality assurance processes to develop a shared understanding of the expected quality of learning performance (Willis & Adie 2016). This assists teachers to improve teaching and inform assessment processes.
Quality assurance processes involve teachers:
engaging in in-depth conversations and/or professional learning prior to teaching about what standards will look like in practice
collaborating to design assessment tasks aligned with the principles and attributes of quality assessment
sharing learning intentions/objectives and standards/marking criteria with students
engaging in feedback, moderation and professional conversations and activities.
Moderation of assessment is a process in which teachers engage in focused dialogue to share their observations and judgments in order to:
improve the consistency of their decisions
ensure their judgments are as valid, reliable and fair as possible.
Conversations should occur before judgments about the quality of work are given to learners. This provides students and parents/carers with confidence that the decisions made are an accurate judgment of achievement.
Quality assurance processes for Senior schooling
The QCAA operates quality assurance processes for internal assessment in Applied, Applied (Essential), General, General (Extension) subjects and Short Courses.
The QCAA quality assurance processes support schools to develop and administer assessment instruments and ensure consistency of judgments about student responses. The processes support the continual improvement of assessment practices in schools.
Purpose of feedback
The purpose of feedback is to provide meaningful information about a student’s strengths and areas for improvement to support them to progress towards their learning goals.
How teachers and students make use of assessment information is vital to understanding and improving learning. Effective feedback encourages self-reflection, allows students to actively monitor and evaluate their own learning, and facilitates self-direction and motivation. Together assessment and feedback support continuous, collaborative, active and self-directed learning.
Characteristics of effective feedback
To support evaluation, self-reflection and improved understanding, feedback should be:
specific to the teaching, learning and assessment related to the standards/descriptions
clear, and in language that is readily interpreted by the intended audiences
timely, so that students can act on it and adjust their learning
collaborative, so that students, teachers and parents/carers all support and participate in the students’ learning
delivered in a way to support the learner to reflect, act on the feedback and build their capacity for self-assessment.
Schools should refer to their sector policies for reporting requirements.
Purpose of reporting
The purpose of reporting is to communicate assessment information, formally or informally, to help students, parents/carers, teachers and education authorities make decisions about what students know and can do, including recommendations for their future learning.
Reports/statements may provide:
information about progress and achievement to parents/carers and students
summaries of the school’s achievements and progress for school communities
statewide and national statistical information and analyses to broader educational communities.
Characteristics of effective reporting
To support the effective communication of achievement, areas for improvement, and actions that the student, school and parents/carers might take, reports/statements should be:
aligned with the curriculum and assessment
defensible, comparable and based on clearly defined achievement standards
in plain English so they are easy to interpret and understand.
The National Education Agreement (Australian Government 2015) underpins the legal obligations of schools and teachers in relation to reporting.
QCAA Techniques and Conditions
Techniques and conditions provide advice that supports teachers to develop a range and balance within an assessment program. A range and balance of assessment gives students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills across a year or band of years.
QCAA Making Judgements
Judgments about evidence of student learning are made against the Australian Curriculum achievement standard, which represents the C standard (or equivalent).
Teachers make judgments about the evidence in student work using task-specific standards that contribute to a planned assessment folio containing evidence of student learning. Teachers can use the standards elaborations to create task-specific standards for making judgments about student work.
QCAA Standards Elaborations
The QCAA has developed standards elaborations from the Australian Curriculum achievement standards. The standards elaborations provide teachers with a tool for making consistent, comparable and defensible judgments about how well, on a five-point scale, students have demonstrated what they know, understand and can do.
The standards elaborations can be used to:
align curriculum, assessment and reporting
develop task-specific standards (marking guides)
make consistent, comparable and defensible judgments on a five-point scale, based on evidence of learning in an individual assessment or a folio of student work.
Years 7 and 8 Digital Technologies standard elaborations (DOCX, 134.3 KB) PDF version (264.6 KB)
Years 9 and 10 Digital Technologies standard elaborations (DOCX, 134.8 KB) PDF version (248.8 KB)
QCAA Quality Assurance
Quality assurance processes enable schools and teachers to develop a shared understanding of the expected quality of learning performance.
QCAA Moderation
Moderation of assessment is a process whereby teachers engage in focused professional conversations to share their observations and judgments. They do so to improve the consistency of their decisions, and to ensure their judgments are as valid, reliable and fair as possible.
QCAA Reporting
Schools are required to provide parents/carers with a report on each student twice a year. In most schools, this takes place at the end of each semester.
Reports should be:
aligned to the curriculum, assessment and achievement standards
accurate, defensible and comparable
individualised and meaningful
in plain language so they are easy to interpret and understand.
Schooling sectors and/or employing authorities provide advice for schools about reporting requirements.
9-10 Example Curriculum and Assessment Plan
9-10 Example Assessment Plan
9-10 Elaborations Rubric
7-8 Example Assessment Plan
7-8 Elaborations Rubric
Scope and Sequence
ACARA Assessment Guidelines
Australian Government 2018, The National School Reform Agreement:
Earl, L M 2013, Assessment as learning: Using classroom assessment to maximise student learning 2nd edn, Corwin, California, USA, ISBN 978-1-4522-4297-2
DeLuca, C, LaPointe-McEwan, D & Luhanga, U 2016, ‘Approaches to classroom assessment inventory: A new instrument to support teacher assessment literacy’, Educational Assessment, vol. 21, issue 4, pp. 248–266,
Masters, G N 2014, ‘Assessment: Getting to the essence’, Designing the Future, issue 1, Centre for Assessment Reform and Innovation,
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) 2020, QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook v2.0
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) 2018, Understanding K–12 assessment,
QCAA 2018a, Principles of quality assessment,
QCAA 2018b, Attributes of quality assessment,
Willis, J & Adie, L 2016, ‘Developing teacher formative assessment practices through professional dialogue: Case studies of practice from Queensland, Australia’, paper presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association,Washington DC, 8–12 April,
[1] Diagnostic assessment gathers evidence on a student’s strengths or discrete knowledge and skills. This evidence can inform further support, differentiation or intervention to teaching and learning.
[2] Formative assessment is undertaken throughout the teaching and learning process to determine progress on achieving learning outcomes/objectives. Formative assessment provides the basis for feedback that is used to adjust teaching and learning and can help teachers to differentiate instruction.
[3]Summative assessment is undertaken at defined key points of the teaching and learning process to indicate standards achieved and informs reporting/certification. Summative assessment provides sufficient evidence of learning to make defensible and comparable judgments about the quality of student responses against predetermined standards/objectives.