Review & Relate
Review and Relate Task
This task will have two components: REVIEW and RELATE. In the REVIEW section, students will focus on deepening their content knowledge and will complete a literature review of learning activities (500 words) and projects (500 words) identified as relevant to Digital Technologies in the junior secondary classroom, including how these assess student learning. Essentially, you will identify at least 10 activity based resources and at least 10 project based learning activities, and annotate these to explain their relevance to the curriculum (consider the rational and aims, not just content descriptors), and how the activities could assess student learning. Provide an APA style reference to the activities and projects (see the research topic page for style guides).
In the RELATE section, students will compare the application of sequences of learning activities to the integration of activities to support projects (250 words) and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches to developing student knowledge and skills (including higher order thinking skills of design, computational, and systems thinking) (500 words), and two sets of principles to support these approaches. (250 words each). Essentially, how do sequences of learning activities compare to project based learning, what are the advantages and disadvantages of each in developing lower order skills and higher order thinking, and summarise each approaches strengths in a statement of principles.
Assignments are submitted via Learning@Griffith

Criteria Sheet (Word)
Resubmission is available for this item. If you fail the item, you will have 5 days from receipt of the mark and feedback to resubmit that item for re-examination. No more than a mark of 50% for the item will be awarded, i.e. 25 marks.
If in the unfortunate event you require an extension and meet university requirements, submit an online extension request
You should also make use of student support services if you have circumstances that are impacting upon your studies.
Please note that extension requests in excess of 2 days will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.
An assessment item submitted after the due date, without an approved extension, will be penalised. The standard penalty is the reduction of the mark allocated to the assessment item by 5% of the total weighted mark for the assessment item, for each working day that the item is late. A working day will be defined as Monday to Friday. Assessment items submitted more than five working days after the due date will be awarded zero marks. To understand how the mark is reduced please refer to Assessment Submission and Return Procedures.
Example Responses