Futures Study


Researching Educational Technologies

Self Study
Futures Study
Case Study

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Futures Study Research

20% Contribution to your course grade

  • 5% Trends Identified from data (max 5 trends)

  • 5% Extrapolation of trends (max 5 extrapolations)

  • 5% Scenario developed from extrapolations

  • 5% Scenario insight into EdTech application

Portfolio item due Friday 9am Week 6

Your second assignment is to develop an understanding of what may occur as the result of particular educational technologies.

You will be expected to:

  • Identify a range of trends relating to an educational technology;

  • Extrapolate these trends to explore what may occur as a result of this technology in 20 years time;

  • Develop a scenario that describe education in 10 years time; and

  • Provide insight into the application oir development of the educational technology you have explored.

develop a Futures Scenario on what education will be like in 10 years time. You may choose the educational organisation - a school, university, language course, etc. and any other contextual matter e.g. country, school system, etc. in which to set your futures scenario.

The scenario for the future needs to be developed from specific trends, supported by data, that you describe in your scenario, and you can provide tables, graphs and references to support your trends. For full marks you need to identify at least 5 trends. We discuss Trends and sources of data in Week 4: Trends. The majority of your trends must relate to Educational Technologies.

From your trends, you will extrapolate the trend to show growth, decline, cycles or stability in the trend. his should be supported by graphs justifying your interpretation of future changes to the trends you are exploring.

From your trends and extrapolations, you will develop a scenario describing education in 10 years time as a result of these trends and extrapolations.

Finally, you should present some insight into the application or development of Educational Technologies as a result of your analysis.

You may submit your Futures Study assignment at the end of week 6 in which case feedback and marks will be provided by the end of week 9. You may however submit up until week 12, but feedback and marks will then not be available until week 14.

Your Futures Study has an overall word length of no more than 1400 words.

There will be four criteria you should address:

  • Trends (Explored in Week 4);

  • Extrapolation (Explored in Week 5);

  • Scenario (Explored in Week 5); and

  • Insight (Explored in Week 6).

There is no suggested structure, but each criteria is of equal weight.