Years 5-6 Drones
Various drones
- Free Flight
- Spy Mission
- Possibilities (Free Flight)
- Sequence (Square)
- Iteration (Square)
- Drone Dance
- Drone Line Dance
- Package Delivery A
- Package Delivery B
- Fire Rescue
- Pod Racing
- Possibilities (Programmed)
Phantom 3
Australian Drone Rules

Where is it safe to fly?
Apps and website to determine safe outdoor locations.
Queensland Drone Strategy
"Digital technology will shape the industries and workforce of the future. Drones will be an important contributor, bringing increased efficiency and new opportunities, as well as some challenges. We must ensure that Queensland businesses and workforce have the skills and capability to make the most of the opportunities that come from the digital age.
Education will continue to provide significant support for the drone industry in Queensland. The industry requires a highly skilled workforce and today’s students are learning the skills that will support the sector moving forward. Similarly, Queensland’s future workforce need to be prepared for industries shaped by digital transformation and automation. Integrating technology including drones and digital skills such as coding into education is critical to ensure Queensland students are highly competitive in this future jobs market."
"Expand the Department of Education’s STEM programs within the next 12 months—such as Schools of the Future—to include drone-specific elements under the curriculum. Considering equity of access for all Queensland school children, this will increase focus on drones and related technologies in the classroom. This ensures that students are prepared for future opportunities in the drone industry and that industry has access to a pipeline of an appropriately prepared workforce.
Review the trials of the Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot – Visual Line of Sight) in participating state schools across Queensland to identify the benefits for students and outcomes for the industry. The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training’s Remote Piloted Aircraft – Training Advisory Group will work with relevant agencies in 2018 for the review and collaborate with the Department of Education to determine feasibility of further expansion of this initiative."

Continuing Professional Development Certificate
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certificate detailing a 4 hour contribution to your 20 hour requirement, suitable for submission as evidence to Queensland College of Teachers.

Workshop Feedback Survey
Please complete the survey, Google has generously supported the workshop and your support will help see future workshops occur.
Workshop Admin Things to Do
- Program and charge Nao
- Charge Mambo Drones
- Charge Parrot and DJI drones
- Charge iPads and connect to uni network
- Collect safety glasses
- Make and set out landing pads and drop zones
- Collect and setup hoops
- Collect Pizza's x 20 (2 of each value range) $100 (avg 2-3 slices each)
- Collect ice (1 x bag) $5 and set up drinks 10 x water, 10 x Solo, 10 x Pepsi, 10 x Max, 10 x Sprite
- Collect and set out Google Swag x 30 (Notepads, Pens, Code Magazines x 2)
- Collect and set out Griffith Swag x 30 (Dogs, Cups, Sticky Notes)
- Setup PollEverywhere on presenter computer
- Setup livestream laptop and camera and 360 camera
- Setup QSITE banner