Stage 1 Alternatives

Stage 1 Alternatives

The first stage in the AETT process is to identify participants and gain a consensus on four areas:

  1. Which technologies related to the teaching Digital Technologies (F-10) and Senior CS Curriculum should we include?
  2. Which Educational Technologies related to the diffusion of ICT General capabilities (students), instructional (teachers), and organisational (school) Technologies should we include?
  3. Which trends related to Educational Technologies should be included? and
  4. Which challenges related to Educational Technologies should be included?

Participants suggest additional items not previously included at this stage.

This first stage must be completed by the 6th of April, 2018.

Stage 1 of the AETT project has concluded for 2018

The inaugural Australian Educational Technologies Trends (AETT) report for 2018 has a strong team of 114 educators, 100 Australian and 14 international, contributing to the project.

The AETT is building upon the traditions established in the New Media Consortium Horizon Reports to explore technologies, trends and challenges, with the inclusion of curriculum, and a broader reporting on all possibilities instead of just the top 6.

The report will not be a preferred futures thinking exercise on what we would like to see, but what we do see occurring now, and reasonably believe will be occurring in 5 years. This is difficult as we all have our preferences and advocacy, but participants try to be as objective as they can.

Participants will however be providing examples and exemplars that will highlight best practices in the many topics explored, and these will naturally advocate for different approaches, and the nature of the report is that it will presage what is possible, but the survey itself is on the trends occurring in Australian schools and how these are changing, not necessarily what Educational Technology and school/pedagogy reform advocates would like to see occurring.

2018 Participants

The project has participants from all Australian States and Territories (except the Northern Territory). Queensland participation is particularly high with the project lead being based and having a greater range of contacts in this state, but this should become more balanced in future iterations.

The project has a good age representation of participants considering the targeting of experienced participants with expertise in Educational Technologies.

Initial List of Alternatives

Digital Technologies (F-10) and Senior CS Curriculum Technologies

Learning Activities (website)

Activity Collections (website)

Physical Activities (unplugged)

Printed Texts/Books

Digital Texts/Books


Video Tapes/Online

Projects (text or website)

Competitions (website)

Extracurricular programs (use)

Gender inclusion programs (use)

Digital Citizenship programs (use)

Board/Card Games

Computer Games (software or website)

Simulations (software or website)

Programming Languages (software or website)

Information Systems (software or website)

Data Sources (website)

Electronics (creation)

Electronics (programming)

Electronics (data collection)

Robots (programming)

Drones (UUV,UAV) (programming)

Wearables (programming or creation)

ICT General capabilities (students), instructional (teachers), and organisational (school) Technologies

Digital Texts (use)

Digital Publishing (creation)

Online Video (i.e. Youtube) (use)

Video Servers (use)

Video Publishing (creation)

Bluescreening (creation)

Video Monitoring (classes)

Broadcasting (podcasts/video) (creation)

3D or 360 Video (use or creation)

Videoconferencing (use)

IOT (use or creation)

Environmental Monitoring (use)

Drones (use)

Robotics (use)

Telepresence (use)

Wearables (use)

Activity Tracking (use)

Brain Computer Interfaces (use)

Location Tracking (use)

Mobile (location based) Learning (use)

QR and tracking codes (use or creation)

Near Field Communication (use or creation)

Laptop Programs (creation)

Tablet Programs (creation)

Device Management (use)

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) (use)

Smart Phones (use)

Smart Watches (use)

Classroom Polling (use)

Broadband Connection (use)

Mobile Broadband (use)

BYON (mobile access) (use)

Computer Based Testing (use)

Automated Essay Marking (use)

Adaptive Learning (use)

Virtual Assistants / Chatbots (use or creation)

Learning Analytics (use)

Plagiarism Detection (use)

Digital Badges (use or creation)

School Websites (creation)

Student Websites (creation)

Teacher/Class Websites (creation)

Learning Management Systems (Local) (use)

Online Learning (Remote) (use)

Digital Portfolios (use)

Social Networks (use)

Internet Filtering (use)

Cloud Computing (applications) (use)

Online Data (use)

Remote Laboratories (use or creation)

Computer Gaming (use or creation)

Virtual Worlds (use or creation)

Augmented Reality (use or creation)

Virtual Reality (use or creation)

Digital Presentations (use or creation)

Visualisations (animations) (use or creation)

Interactive Displays (Whiteboards/LCD) (use)

Digital Signage (use)

Flexible Learning Spaces (creation)

Makerspaces (creation)

3D Printing (use)

Language Translation (use)

Audio Augmentation (use)

Soundscaping (use)

Smart Speakers (use)

Wireless Power (use)

Blockchain (use or creation)


Innovation (Culture)

Automation (Data collection)

Centralisation (Digital Ecosystems)

Measurement (Assessment)

Unplugged (Offline)

Blended (F2F & Online)

Directed (Instructivist)

Project Based (Constructivist)

Digital Storytelling (Narratives)

Monitoring (Behaviourist)

Microcredentialling (Gamification)

Measurement (Cognitivist)

Collaboration (Connectivist)

Flipped Learning (Socratic)

Outsourcing (Courseware/Online Tutoring)

Specialisation (Specialist teachers)

Open (Learning Resources/Sharing)

Fragmentation (Learning Objects)

Packaging (Courseware/Texts)

Spaces (Flexibility)

Timing (Schedules)

Students (Agency)

Teacher (Agency)

Access (Trust)

Management (Control)

Integration (STEM/STEAM)

21C Skills (Curriculum Breadth)

Deep Learning (Curriculum Focus)

Globalisation (Connections)

Feedback (Evaluation)


Automation (Assistive & Replacement)

Intensification (Students & Staff)

Expanding Roles (Teachers & Schools)

Equity (Access & Opportunities)

Change (Resilience & Innovation)

Obsolescence (Life Long Learning, students & teachers)

Certification (Reputation & Credentialing)

Differentiation (Personalisation)

Responsibility (Plagiarism/Cheating)

Scaling (Diffusion)

Student Rights (Privacy & Access)

Higher Order Thinking (21C Skills)

Lower Order Skills (Basics/Fundamentals)

Accountability (Legal/Moral)

Trust (Teachers & IT staff/Admin)

Teacher Professionalisation (Agency)

Backlash (Waste & Misuse)

IP (Restrictions & Commercialisation)